OptiMate Literature Holder

MSRP $7.90

Universal literature holder / offer presenter with OptiMate logo

Universal literature holder / offer presenter, ideal for shop counters.

  • Fits multiple folded flyers or an offer on standard cardstock.
  • Once fitted, clamp secures flyers or cardstock firmly.



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MSRP = Manufacturer Recommended Retail Pricing is displayed above. (Currency selector > top right).
Price in EURO and GBP include VAT of 20%. VAT in your region may differ. Price in USD and CAD do not include sales tax.

TecMate do not sell product directly to the consumer. Find your nearest retailer by selecting the appropriate model below.

US SKU: TA-340


EU SKU: TA-340

UK SKU: TA-340


Universal literature holder / offer presenter with OptiMate logo and optimate1.com mention, ideal for shop counters.

  • Fits multiple folded flyers or an offer on standard cardstock.
  • Once fitted, clamp secures flyers or cardstock firmly.
SKU: TA-340 Category: